Dog breed details

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General: 1 foot, 9 inches to 2 feet,
 1 inch tall at the shoulder

General: 60 to 75 pounds

Life Span
10 to 13 years

Boxers are large, muscular, square-headed dogs who look imposing and they are playful nature,Boxers aren't considered fully mature until they are three years old, meaning they have one of the longest puppy hoods in the world of dogs

The typical Boxer is intelligent, alert, and fearless, yet friendly. He's loyal to his family and loves to play with them, but he's also headstrong, especially if you try to use harsh training methods with him.

Because of their strength and courage, Boxers have a wide use in the military and the police, as well as search-and-rescue work. When specifically trained for guard work.

Many Boxers have docked tails and cropped ears. If the ears are not cropped, they will hang down. Many dog owners are opting to leave their Boxers' ears uncropped these days.

They often paw, cat-like, at their toys, food bowls, and even their owners. When they are excited, they often "kidney bean," a little dance that involves twisting their bodies into a semi-circle, similar to the shape of a kidney bean, and then turning in circles. Boxers also make a unique sound, called a "woo-woo.

Boxers mature slowly and act like rambunctious puppies for several years. Boxers don't just like to be around their family they need to be around them! If left alone for too long or kept in the backyard away from people, they can become ill-tempered and destructive.

Boxers are intelligent and respond well to firm but fun training. They also have an independent streak and don't like to be bossed around or treated harshly. You'll have the biggest success in training your Boxer if you can make it fun for him.
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