Dog breed details

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General: 1 foot, 10 inches to 2 feet,
2 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 50 to 70 pounds

10 to 14 years

           The Collie is a highly intelligent,Sensitive, mild-mannered, sweet and easy to train these are loyal in nature, it is usually good with other pets and friendly with other dogs. They are natural herders puppies may try and herd humans, and need to be taught not to do this.They are Faithful, playful, docile and protective of their family members and good with children, Collies have an uncanny sense of direction. They are good-natured, friendly dogs. They are energetic in outdoors.Socialize them well to prevent them from becoming wary of strangers. They are not aggressive, but they do tend to be suspicious of people they sense unstable vibes from.

 Daily pack walks are important.Confident and consistent owner who sets the rules and sticks to them,This breed should be trained gently.The Collie is relatively easy to housebreak. Some owners report that rough Collies do not like the water due to their coats get when wet.We have seen clips on the Internet of rough Collies swimming, however, so while a lot may not, it's never an absolute. Some smooth Collies have become successful at water rescue.

The Collie is a large, lean, strong dog.There are two coat varieties, rough and smooth.Today, the Collie is more likely to be a pampered pet than an all-around farm dog. She adapts well to a variety of home environments, as long as she has plenty of daily exercise. She enjoys relaxing around the house with her family,as well as running and playing outside with the kids. Her herding instincts are still strong, so it's not unusual for the Collie to gather children and pets,chase cars, and bark.Collie is an extremely intelligent, sensitive dog who is known for her uncanny ability to know when something is wrong.

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