Dog breed details

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General: 2 feet,
4 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 70 to 120 pounds
Female: 60 to 110 pounds

10 to 13 years

The Akita is a big, bold dog with a distinctly powerful appearance a large head in contrast to small This breed is renowned for unwavering loyalty to his owners, and he can be surprisingly sweet and affectionate with family members.The Akita is courageous, a natural guardian of his family.he won't back down from a challenge. He doesn't usually bark unless there is a good reason.

While these charming "talking" traits are exhibited to family, the Akita is often aloof and silent with visitors. He's naturally wary of strangers, though he will be welcoming enough to a guest as long as his owners are home.Imagine a loving protector who will follow you from room to room, whose entire mission in life seems to be simply to serve you.

The Akita loves to carry things around in his mouth, and that includes your wrist. This is not an act of aggression, but simply an Akita way of communicating with those he loves. He may lead you to his leash because he wants to go for a walk, for example, or act on any number of other ideas that pop into his intelligent head.The Akita is not recommended for first-time dog owners, for those who want a lapdog, or for those unwilling to take charge. But for owners who can invest time and effort in research and proper training, the reward is a fine, intelligent companion with unwavering loyalty.

The Akita's natural hunting skills translate well to various activities.The Akita is docile, intelligent, courageous and fearless. Careful and very affectionate with its family. Sometimes spontaneous, It needs firm training as a puppy and it needs a firm, confident consistent pack leader.The Akita will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is moderately active indoors and will do best with a large yard.Before buying an Akita, it is crucial to spend time researching how to train this particular breed. Akitas do not respond well to harsh training methods.If your training is respectful,
the dog will in turn respect you.

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