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Australian Shepherds

General: 1 foot, 6 inches to 1 foot, 11 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 40 to 65 pounds
Female: 47 to 70 pounds

12 to 16 years

Australian Shepherds are easy-going, remaining puppy-like even in their adult years. This courageous dog makes a good watchdog for the home. these are excellent with children, even with an active child, as they love to play. They are devoted, loyal friends and guardians, for they are naturally protective. These breeds are affectionate, very lively, agile and attentive they are eager to please, with a sixth sense about what the owner wants.

Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and easy to train. Though aggressive when at work with livestock, these is gentle with human friends. Australian Shepherds are not the kind of dog to lie around the living room all day or live happily in the backyard with only a 15-minute walk.

They need much more exercise Without enough mental and physical exercise and/or a lack of a true pack leader, they can become nervous and destructive if left alone. Socialize well to prevent them from becoming suspicious of strangers.

Australian Shepherd are very Intelligent, hard working, and versatile.It is a high-energy dog he needs plenty of exercise a walk around the neighborhood won't cut it  and at least a small yard to help him work out.Lacking a job to do, he becomes bored, destructive, and loud. Or he might invent his own job herding the kids, either yours or the neighbours,chasing cars or other animals; or taking your house apart. If you don't have the time or energy to train and exercise the Australian Shepherds on a daily basis, he's not the breed for you.

 This agile, medium-size dog with the docked or naturally bobbed tail is a top contender in all levels of obedience, agility, flyball, and herding tests. He's  also successful in such canine careers as guide dog, hearing dog, assistance dog, police dog, and search and rescue work.

His heritage as a working dog makes him a loyal companion who can be protective of home and family and aloof with strangers. He gets along with kids, although he'll probably try to "herd" them unless you teach him not to.It makes life an adventure. He'll work and play from sunrise to sunset and win your heart with his loyal and loving personality. This versatile breed is a wonderful working dog and a terrific family companion but only if that family is an active one.This breed is not usually dog aggressive.

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