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American Eskimo

  Height :
 12 - 15 inches 

  Weight :
  6 - 10 pounds

  Life Span :
  13 – 15 years

The American Eskimo Dog, an Intelligent, Friendly, loving companion dog. It is a small to medium-size type dog, always white, or white with biscuit cream.With its majestic white double coat, loves the outdoors and is perfect for someone who is looking for a dog to play and jog with in colder climates.They are determined and independent. It is actually one of the most well-behaved, fun, and obedient Spitz breeds. Eskies, however, can be mistrustful of strangers and may not be a preferable choice for homes with pets, other dogs, or small children, though supervision and training may help discipline the Eskie.

All Eskies love cold weather. However, because they create close attachments to their human family, they should be allowed to live indoors. The Eskie's double coat must be combed and brushed twice a week, more during its shedding periods. The Eskie is also very energetic and requires a vigorous workout daily, although the duration of the workout is determined by the dog's size. For example, a larger Eskie requires a long walk or brisk jog, while short walks or a fun outdoor game are sufficient forms of exercise for smaller Eskies.

The American Eskimo Dog is almost certainly descended from various European Spitzes, including the white German Spitz, the white Keeshond, the white Pomeranian, and the Volpino Italiano.Originally referred to as the American Spitz, the breed was first used as a circus performer, traveling throughout the United States and entertaining the audience with tricks. The American Spitz was especially apt at this line of work because of its sparkling white coat, quickness, agility, innate intelligence, and its proficiency at training. As the news of the traveling dog with its bag of tricks grew, its popularity did also. Often, spectators would buy young American Spitz pups from the circus.

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