Dog breed details

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General: 1 foot, 11 inches to 2 feet,
3 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 80 to 110 pounds

11 to 15 years

            The Bloodhound is a very powerful, massive hound dog.The Bloodhound is a kind, patient, noble,  mild-mannered and lovable dog. Gentle, affectionate and excellent with children, this is truly a good natured companion. These dogs are so good-natured that  they will lie there and meekly let children clamber all over them.This breed loves all the attention they receive from them. To be fair to your  Bloodhound, make sure your children do not pester or hurt the dog.

            The Bloodhound is indeed single-minded on the trail, but what many people don't realize is that  once he's found his quarry, he might lick the person to death, but he'll never attack.He can follow a scent trail for miles and will always prefer that to sleeping on  the sun porch. Expect to commit to long walks every  day if you live with a Bloodhound.The Bloodhound is such a sure tracker that the breed is used  worldwide for rescue and criminal searches.

      He can be a family dog, too, but he requires a high level of care.If you can, you'll find the  Bloodhound to be kind, sensitive, and tolerant of children and other animals.With the right family, he's a dog of great character who brings much joy and  laughter.They're free of genetic diseases that they might pass onto the  puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.

  The new owner of a Bloodhound will need to have plenty of patience and possess great tact for consistent leadership for training to succeed. Clear rules  need to be set and followed.Bloodhounds are droolers and have a tendency to snore and howl. Their noses are so superb that it is hard for them to not  wander off after an interesting scent. Bloodhounds can never be kept in an unfenced yard. There is a good chance instinct will lead them to wander off   if they are off leash. They flee when they get on a scent; instinct drives them to find the end of the trail.
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