Dog breed details

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General: 1 foot, 8 inches to 2 feet,
1 inch tall at the shoulder

General: 35 to 60 pounds

12 to 14 years

The Barbet’s personality is companionable, joyful,obedient, and intelligent. They are quick to learn and need lifelong obedience training. They are great with children, families, and the elderly.The breed sheds little, and may be a good choice for those with allergies.Barbets will bond with their family and prefer to be in the same room with the family at all times. They need exercise daily to keep the dog in a healthy state of mind and body.

In addition to his retrieving skills, In his homeland, he ranks among the top agility breeds and also loves to chase balls and flying discs. The breed is rare, with approximately 30 to 40 making their home in the United States and about 600 worldwide, but admirers of the Barbet hope others will come to share their love for this interesting dog.The Barbet's long, woolly coat is waterproof. It ranges from wavy to curly, andhey come in different collors like solid black, gray, brown, fawn, pale fawn, red fawn, and white.

A relative of the Poodle and Briard, this French water dog with the webbed paws gets down and dirty in pursuit of waterfowl, earning him the nickname 'mud dog.' He real name comes from the French word barbe, meaning beard, due to his bearded face.Daily brushing and combing is a must to prevent mats from forming. The coat readily picks up burrs, twigs, and leaves, so you may want to have those daily grooming sessions after walks. Some owners clip the coat short to make it easier to maintain.
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