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Rhodesian Ridgeback

General: 2 feet to 2 feet,
3 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 70 to 90 pounds

Life Span
10 to 13 years

A Rhodesian Ridgeback is large,skillful and muscular dog,these are not only developed as hunter but also as a family protector.Originally these are used to hunt lions,they are actually known as the African Lion Hound.The breed is also athletic, requiring regular exercise. Trustworthy with children, they are "people" dogs and like to be where you are, possibly curled up on the couch if permitted.

The Ridgeback was developed in Africa to corner and hold big game prey, such as lions, bears, and boar. Today, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is still used for hunting, and some members of the breed have even adapted to pointing and retrieving. The Rhodesian Ridgeback can also be found competing in various dog sports,including agility, lure coursing, obedience, and tracking, and he's a good hiking or jogging companion.

It is good natured, but some do not do well with small children because they may play too roughly and knock them down. They are intelligent, skillful and straight forward dogs that are loyal to the family. They are brave and vigilant. Can be reserved toward strangers, so socialize well from childhood. They possess considerable stamina and without enough mental and physical exercise they can become high strung and controllable.

This breed needs a firm, confident, consistent pack leader who can provide rules the dog must follow and limits as to what it can and cannot do.When given what they need as the canine animal they will be excellent companion dogs,Rhodesian Ridgebacks will do okay in an apartment as long as they get enough exercise. They are relatively inactive indoors and do best with a large yard.

These dogs have great stamina and you will tire long before they do. They need to be taken on daily, long,walks or jogs. In addition, they need plenty of opportunity to run,If these dogs are allowed to get bored, and are not walked or jogged daily, they can become destructive and start to display a wide array of behavioral problems.
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