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English Springer Spaniels

General: 1 foot, 6 inches to 1 foot,
10 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 45 to 55 pounds

10 to 14 years

English Springers are gentle, friendly, and sociable dogs.These are very Intelligent, skillful,Brave, playful, energetic and cheerful. this dog loves everyone.English Springer Spaniels are smart and eager to please. They are happy dogs and seem to have a good sense of humor.

They usually do well with children if they are brought up with them from puppyhood and are affectionate toward their families. They also are generally good with other pets in the household.They are affectionate, good natured and sincere dogs.

English Springer Spaniels are hunting dogs,they require a lot of exercise, but keep them on leash in unfenced areas or they may decide to go hunting on their own.Because they are such good athletes, many non-hunting owners participate in activities such as obedience, agility, flyball, and tracking with their English Springer Spaniels.

They also make great therapy dogs, bringing smiles to people in hospitals and nursing homes.Because of their affectionate nature, they aren't a one-person dog. They are very people-oriented, and shouldn't be left home alone or isolated from people for long periods.

 Springers do best when they are with people who can provide them with some kind of consistent structure where the rules are made clear.They required  daily mental and physical exercise,otherwise they will became frustrated and they may become destructive and start to bark a lot if left alone.

Springers need a lot of authoritative guidance. Owners need to be calm, yet possess an air of natural authority. They love water and may constantly get themselves wet and muddy.They can be sometimes argumentative with other dogs if owners do not communicate.

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