Dog breed details

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General: 1 foot, 6 inches to 1 foot,
10 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 18 to 48 pounds
Female: Starts at 29 pounds

12 to 15 years

The Whippet is intelligent, lively, affectionate, sweet and docile. This very devoted companion is quiet and calm in the home. The Whippet should never be roughly trained, for it is extremely sensitive, both physically and mentally.These dogs are good with children of all ages as long as the children do not roughhouse or tease the dog. Whippets are clean, virtually,easy to care travel with it.They are good watchdogs and may be reserved with strangers.

They will pursue and kill cats and other small animals if given the opportunity, but are good with other dogs.They can be used to hunt. The Whippet's sweet personality makes him a fine companion dog. The Whippet is the ultimate sprinter, unsurpassed by any other breed in its ability to accelerate to top speed and to twist and turn with matchless dexterity. Some can be difficult to housebreak while others housebreak quickly. Make sure you are this dog's firm,confident, consistent pack leader.

This breed is sensitive to the cold.These dogs will do okay in an apartment if they are sufficiently exercised. Whippets are calm indoors and a small yard will do.This medium-size hound has a short, dense coat in a variety of colors and markings covering a streamlined body. The Whippet is not a miniature Greyhound but was developed by crossing Greyhounds with smaller terriers and, later, Italian Greyhounds. The result was a sleek and beautiful dog who's gentle and affectionate.

The Whippet is often called the perfect all-purpose dog and is a keen competitor in agility, flyball, and lure coursing. Although they're known for their independent temperament, which can make obedience training challenging, plenty of Whippets compete successfully in obedience trials.
Whippets enjoy daily walks, and an opportunity to run in a fenced yard or other confined area is always appreciated. An underground electronic fence is not sufficient to keep them contained; they'll ignore the shock it gives in favor of going after any moving object.

In the home, they're gentle and undemanding, asking only to enjoy your company. With children they're playful and mischievous. Their thin coats and affectionate nature make them unsuited to living outdoors. Whippets will snuggle with you on the sofa and warm your feet in bed at the end of an active day.The Whippet usually gets along with other dogs and people, although early socialization exposure to different people, sights, sounds, and situations that is necessary to keep your Whippet from becoming fearful of new situations.

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