Dog breed details

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Argentine Dogo

24 - 27 inches

80 - 100 pounds

Life span
10 to 13 years

The Dogo is a friendly,Playful and highly intelligent,powerful.He loves his family and very good with children. The mature Dogo needs extensive regular exercise to maintain its athletic condition and pleasant disposition. They are clean dogs that need little coat care.

These breed likes all dogs, respond well to positive, balanced obedience training, and make excellent companions for the right families, though their working prey drive and need for serious physical and mental stimulation must always be kept firmly in mind.These are generally not a hard barker.Dogos are easy to train.

The Argentine Dogo is not a breed for everyone. With the right owners even the more dominant Dogos can be submissive toward all humans and other animals. This breed needs someone who understands how to display leadership humans who are firm, confident, and consistent. This breed needs rules he must follow and limits to what he is and is not allowed to do.

The objective in training this dog is to achieve pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack.It has to be trained under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined.When you put this breed with a meek or passive owner, problems may arise as the dog will feel he needs to "save his pack" and run the show.

Adult Dogos can be aggressive with other dogs however it does not usually provoke the confrontation but may if he senses another dog that is unstable.The breed needs an owner who can tell the Dogo it is not his job to put another dog in his place. They are good with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood.

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