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Tibetan Mastiff

General: 2 feet to 2 feet  2 inches tall at the shoulder

General: 75 to 150 pounds

10 to 15 years

The Tibetan Mastiff is loving, gentle, patient,understanding and they are extremely independent and intelligent,Although active while out of doors, they are usually fairly quiet in the house. Prospective owners should note the breed is highly protective of their family and property, so it may be difficult to bring people into your home.

An impressively large dog with noble bearing,they may not enjoy participating in organized activities such as obedience or agility due to their highly independent natures.These breeds are hard workers and protective of his family, fearless, and loyal. His large size and substance makes him a wonderful guard dog,As attractive as that sounds, it's essential to weigh carefully the other qualities that can make him a challenging proposition.

This is an independent guardian breed who will not always look to you for guidance.He will enjoy your company and bond with you, but he won't always obey you, especially in a situation in which he believes he's right.These are generally quiet dogs when their needs and living conditions are met, but if left outdoors at night they can be barkers.

If you use a yard, make sure it's well-fenced; Tibetan Mastiffs have been known to climb fences to escape. And be sure not to leave these dogs outside for very long because they may start to dig and become territorial and aggressive.Under certain conditions, Tibetan Mastiffs are tolerant with children in their own families,especially if raised with them. But they're generally not well suited to homes with young children.

If you are a social person many people comes to meet you,than this breed is probably not for you, as the Tibetan Mastiff may try to restict the number of people allowed into the house.Early socialization is essential for this breed.Let him meet new people, but understand if he's wary of specific people.

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