Dog breed details

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General: 72 to 80 cm
Female: 67 to 72 cm

General: 72 to 80 cm
Female: 50 to 70 kg

8 to 10 years

The Landseer is a dog are Smart, friendly,temperament elegant, graceful gentle, affectionate, bold and lively personality,these breeds are dignified and peaceable and Very devoted. Good and brave. Intelligent enough to act on his own when needed very friendly to the children. It is also a patient dog, they can recognize a dangerous situation and will generally act if the family is threatened mild with guests Landseer are good swimmers, most love accompany children swim together, and to protect their safety, excellent lifesaving dog authentic. In addition, may be associated with a master to the sea fishing.

Some males may be aggressive with other males if the owners are not present to properly communicate to the dog that dominance is an unwanted behavior.Very sociable. Enjoys the outdoors, but also requires companionship. The Landseer drinks a lot of water and may be messy about it, as he loves to get wet.

They tend to drool, though not as much as some other giant breeds. Although puppies require a lot of food. They love to swim and if backpacking near water,This breed may be slightly difficult to train. These dogs are very sensitive to the tone of your voice. Training must be conducted in a calm, but firm, confident, consistent and balanced manner. This dog's huge body tends to move rather slowly. Take this into account during training.

This gentle giant is quite content to laze around the house, but it still needs to be taken on a daily walk. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. It will enjoy frequent opportunities to swim and frolic.

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