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American Foxhound

General: 1 foot, 9 inches to 2 feet,
1 inch tall at the shoulder

General: 40 to 60 pounds

12 to 13 years

The American Foxhound is sweet, affectionate, gentle and loving at home, but also a brave and intense warrior in the hunt.Like all hounds, the Foxhound is musical.These Hounds are described as having bell-like voices, and their baying can carry for miles.

It's best not to bring one home unless you're sure your neighbors will appreciate the concert or live far enough away that they won't be disturbed.The American Foxhound was bred to run, so they are an ideal pet for those who live in rural areas or on large farms.

They can do well in smaller areas, however, with owners who provide them with adequate exercise. Hounds raised in the home tend to be mild tempered and easy going, getting along with children and most other pets.Their short coat is easy to care for, but owners will need patience and persistence in training, as the breed can be stubborn and independent.

One of America's native breeds, the American Foxhound is also one of our rarest. This tall hound sports a close, hard coat that can be any color.When you see foxhunters in movies or on television or out in the field if you live in hunt country packs of American Foxhounds are leading the chase.Bred to hunt in large packs,

American Foxhounds were developed from hounds brought by English settlers.American Foxhounds like the company of other dogs but can be a single companion dog if you're committed to giving them the exercise they'd normally get running around with their canine friends, and to spending the time to help them bond with their human family. Despite their size, they're mild-mannered unless they're in pursuit of their quarry. Then they become relentless in the hunt.

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